Co-robotics, Composites and High-performance Computing
Can architects contribute to the evolution of new tools and the construction systems used to make buildings? This lecture explores three emerging technologies and their design consequences.
Michael Silver teaches architecture at the University at Buffalo where he co-founded SMART, a multidisciplinary design community dedicated to the development of new ‘Sustainable Manufacturing and Advanced Robotic Technologies’. In collaboration with computer scientists and engineers, he continues to work at a variety of scales and has extensive experience in the production of furniture, digital construction systems and buildings. As an experimental collaborator, Michael is deeply committed to the precise alignment of advanced technology, critical theory, and architectural poetics. His work has been exhibited at the New Museum of Contemporary Art in Manhattan, the IDC in Nagoya Japan, and the National Building Museum in Washington D.C. He built his first working robot arm out of Scotch tape and Spirograph parts at the age of 14.
A palestra está com um áudio muito baixo, mas com uma boa caixa de som é possível acompanhar.
A parte mais interessante da palestra para mim foram as perguntas e respostas que começam após cerca de 30 minutos. Infelizmente nem todas é possível escutar quem está perguntando, mas algumas questões acerca das implicações sociais do possível desenvolvimento e implementação das tecnologias que foram levantadas (como co-robotics) e afirmações sobre o palestrante sobre aspectos de inteligência artificial robótica (onde ele sugere ler o artigo de 1974 What Is it Like to Be a Bat?)
(Talvez tenha sido particularmente interessante para mim agora, porque eu assisti essa semana passada o filme Ex Machina, que aborda justamente AI, e, para mim, deixou um pouco a desejar no sentido de roteiro/discussão)

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