
in broken images (robert graves)

In Broken Images

He is quick, thinking in clear images;
I am slow, thinking in broken images.

He becomes dull, trusting to his clear images;
I become sharp, mistrusting my broken images,

Trusting his images, he assumes their relevance;
Mistrusting my images, I question their relevance.

Assuming their relevance, he assumes the fact,
Questioning their relevance, I question the fact.

When the fact fails him, he questions his senses;
When the fact fails me, I approve my senses.

He continues quick and dull in his clear images;
I continue slow and sharp in my broken images.

He in a new confusion of his understanding;
I in a new understanding of my confusion.

(Robert Graves)

apresentação pré-banca

google reader: Instruction Art

"...invites the question of whether this is art, architecture, demolition, or none of the above.

(open source art) embodiment of the new idea-based, inclusive, transparent, accessible culture."

Instruction Art

google reader: AD Futures #4: SPARC

revendo meu google reader... muito interessante esse projeto HiDrone

vídeo: entrevista "moving brands - built with processing"

informações no youtube:
As heavy users of Processing, Moving Brands ( have been asked to contribute material to the "Built with Processing" launch event @ SuperDeluxe, Tokyo. This filmed interview features two of our Design Directors, Matt Wade and Karsten Schmidt, who have proliferated the use of this new tool and design approach for some of our most prestigious branding projects over the past year. Karsten has also actively contributed to the earlier development stages of Processing. Together they will talk you through 3 of these projects and talk about their experiences and the creation process with this tool.

idéias sobre arquitetura: a disciplina em desaparecimento

A disciplina em desaparecimento, projeto de /
"Arquitetura está se tornando um sistema de investigação e invenção no qual as questões funcionais, técnicas ou formais já não são mais paradigmáticas. Paradigmas e utopias tendem a desaparecer, tornando hipóteses acreditáveis de recuperação ou reinvenções ideológicas impossíveis.

Arquitetura conquistou um papel incerto na sociedade, tornando-se definitivamente uma forma de arte auto-consciente. A consciência desse estado de dissipação da arquitetura como uma disciplina com um corpus teórico estabelecido, alarga o campo de discussão fora de fronteiras estabelecidas embaraçando a prática e o discurso arquitetônico com outras disciplinas.

Arquitetura como um espaço livre aberto, levanta dúvida sobre o que é conhecimento arquitetônico específico, no entanto, arquitetura continua a produzir efeitos irredutíveis que legitimam sua autonomia"

(tradução pessoal e livre, o texto original segue abaixo)

"The vanishing discipline

Architecture is becoming a system of investigation and invention in which the technical, functional or formal questions are no longer paradigmatic. Paradigms and utopias tend to vanish, thus making credible hypothesis of recovery or ideological reinventions impossible.

Architecture conquered an uncertain role in the society, definitely becoming a self-conscious art form. The consciousness of this state of dissipation of archi-tecture considered as a discipline with an established theoretical corpus, widens the scope of discussion outside established frontiers, blurring architectural practice and discourse with other disciplines.

Architecture as a free open space, raises the doubt about what is architectural expertise, nevertheless architecture still produces irreducible effects that legitimate its autonomy."

idéias sobre arquitetura

"The word architecture has a number of meanings. For example, it is a subject, practice, and a certain type of object and space, typically the building and the city . . . I consider each of these definitions but focus on another: architecture is a certain type of object and space used. Within the term ‘use’ I include the full range of ways in which buildings and cities are experienced, such as habit, distraction and appropriation."

Jonathan Hill, Actions of Architecture, p. 2.

"There is so much in architecture that has to do with the creation of opinion as opposed to the creation of the thing, the making the thing. Making the thing and commenting on the thing are very much about developing a meaning of the thing that lasts."

Eric Owen Moss, SCI-Arc Mission Statement

vídeo: instalação de Javier Milara


Javier Milara, 2008

arquitetura do ciberespaço, por Lucia Santaella

"No ciberespaço, qualquer informação e dados podem se tornar arquitetônicos e habitáveis, de modo que o ciberespaço e a arquitetura do ciberespaço são uma só e mesma coisa. Entretanto, trata-se de uma arquitetura líquida, que flutua. Por isso, o ciberespaço altera as maneiras pelas quais se concebe e percebe a arquitetura, de modo que torne nossa concepção da arquitetura cada vez mais musical. Pela primeira vez, o arquiteto não desenha um objeto, mas os princípios pelos quais o objeto é gerado e varia no tempo.(…) Uma arquitetura desmaterializada, dançante, difícil, etérea, temperamental, transmissível a todas as partes do mundo simultaneamente, só indiretamente tangível, feita de presenças sempre mutáveis, líquidas."

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